Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Victory (and a tall-skim-caramel-macchiatto) is mine...

I can blog from a state of inner peace now that I have located Starbucks. It was not clear though, for a little while, how long I would have to go without los mejores cosechas de cafe. Not to worry, I am sipping a caramel macchiato alto, descremada. And it's delicious. 1.700 CLP. hmmm. that is $3.15. Pretty much right on the money. Sorry, Dad. Although there is free Wi-Fi. They are ahead of the US.

So, I think that I am writing right in the middle of some sort of Trade Center Convention in Santiago. I am surrounded by rich-looking suits and people with lap-tops and notebooks. It's a very serious atmosphere. A far cry from the hippie-infused Starbucks experience I am used to. Starbucks, of course, goes against everything hippies represent ("man, coffee should be free"). Or maybe they justify it by imagining that higher wages then go to the poor Colombian workers who no doubt toil under Starbuckian despots somewhere outside of Medellin. I am boring myself. US hypocrisy is too well-weathered a subject in this city.

Today: Review interview of last night at Revista Cosas con Oscar S. and investigate links provided by Segio L. Also, go by the DRCLAS office on Dag. Hammarskjold and maybe a small visit to the US Embassy.

Oh also, I need to get my camera cable and visit La Moneda when I get a chance. ok.


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