Friday, July 07, 2006

A Diet Entry (for easy digesting)

Grab your earmuffs! It's 57°F! The elements are really getting to them down here. I look like a displaced member of the Polar Bear Club: no scarf and just a light fleece guarding me from the frigid air. I might as well be walking down the street in a bathing suit. I would've thought the same latin blood that keeps these people so hot-headed and vocal at times of national crisis would keep them warm during the winter.

So this entry is short and sweet because Brooks doesn't like reading the long ones. He finds it easier to "digest" if the writing is short and the words only have two syllables (syl-a-ble-s, crap! Sorry, Brooks.) But a warning to all: my next entry will be an academic force to be reckoned with. A leviathan. A treatise. A manisfesto. It will discipline and punish you. It will incite fear and trembling. An archealogy of knowledge. I'll go beyond Good and Evil and I'll offer no Apology.

But for now: look what happened to the mountains during the smog-in yesterday:

A whole blanket of snow while I couldn't see them. Here's a picture of the mountains directly in front of me (there is a picture of them without too much snow in an earlier blog entry.) I hope its not hard to see when the snowy mountain top ends and the clouds begin (it's a little dreary here):

Final funny thing: You all would die laughing if you saw these people trying to sing along with the Beatles. All the music in this coffee shop is American and the workers and guests sing along. It's priceless.


Blogger Brooks said...

Your blog is so great. It's the best blog ever.

7:39 PM  

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